

Here’s a list of the domestic abuse recovery and personal development programmes we offer. Please select the individual links for details of each specific programme.

Recovery programmes for adult survivors


Gateway is a therapeutic programme dealing with specifics around domestic abuse. It focuses on women’s own experiences and what they can do in the future.

Peer support lounge

Taking place at the Lily Jones Support Centre every Thursday, Peer Support Lounge is supportive and safe environment for survivors of domestic abuse to come together and take part in a wide range of therapeutic and recreational activities.


Well-Being is for all our My CWA clients who deserve a little 'me time' and pampering.

Recovery programmes for children and young people

Monkey Bob

Our Do You Feel What I Feel? toolkit is designed for professionals working with Early Years (up to the age of 8). The toolkit includes Monkey Bob – a friendly, likeable character who can help younger children to open up when they’re likely to be struggling with what they’re feeling inside. It also covers Early Years safety planning:

Even Better

We have a range of tools and resources from our Even Better (8–12 and 13+ years) series to share with professionals supporting young people. Our work includes short intervention for parents and children following domestic abuse. Topics include safety planning, trauma recovery, anger management, communication, healthy relationships, communication and building resilience.

For more complex cases, where no other help is available, we can arrange help through one-to-one support and a specialist service called iCreate:


Tandem is a behaviour management intervention toolkit for children and parents. The toolkit is designed for professionals working with young people (aged 12–21) and parents & carers who need help managing conflict in their relationship with their parents or other primary caregivers:

Teen Relationship Abuse

We know that people aged 16–25 are more vulnerable when it comes to abusive relationships. That's why we work closely with young people to help them understand what healthy relationships look like – and to spot the early warning signs when relationships become unhealthy or abusive.

At My CWA, we have a range of relationship resources that professionals and parents & carers can use with young people.

If you’re a professional working with teens & young people – whether you’re in education, medicine, social services or another related field – you’ll find guidance & resources on our Act on it Now website to help you talk about healthy, unhealthy & harmful relationships with the young people you meet:

Behavioural change programmes for those who harm


Lifeline is a 32-week cognitive behavioural change (CBT) programme for men who harm.

Lifeline course feedback


This programme is for people who have displayed harmful behaviours within an intimate relationship and would like to make changes.

Please contact us for bookings and availability.