Domestic Abuse Crisis Accommodation | My CWA, Cheshire



crisis accommodation


If you feel as though you’re in immediate danger and need to escape from domestic abuse, you’ll need to find temporary, safe crisis accommodation while you decide what to do next.

We can help you move to a secure and confidential address, where you’ll be offered support, counselling and other services designed to make you feel safe. Read our leaving an abusive relationship page for more about what to take with you.

What if I need to leave the area?

Our refuge accommodation provides a safe environment for individuals and families who need to escape from domestic abuse. If it’s not safe for you to stay locally, we can arrange crisis accommodation further afield.

What about my kids?

Dependent children and young people (up to the age of 16) can come with you into crisis accommodation. They’ll get special support to help them adapt to their new environment and to overcome the effects of living with domestic abuse.

What’s the accommodation like?

We have six countrywide refuges, where multiple families can stay for anything from a single night, to as long as a year. You’ll have a private bedroom (your children will share your room) and you’ll have access to communal kitchen, dining and living areas.

It can be difficult staying in crisis accommodation. You have to abide by a license agreement and set of rules. And in order to protect yourself and everyone else living there, you must keep the address confidential. But you’ll be safe.

What happens once I’m there?

When you move into crisis accommodation, you’ll be allocated a key worker. Your key worker will meet with you every week to develop a support plan that’s tailored to your specific needs. They will help you find safe, permanent accommodation back in the community.

While you’re living in refuge accommodation, you’ll have access to several additional support services. These include:

Family support

Parenting support


Children and young people’s support

Solicitors appointments

Resettlement support

Risk assessments and risk management plans

Referrals to other support services

24-hour on call emergency service

I need crisis accommodation. What now?

When you call us, we’ll check your eligibility and confirm that crisis accommodation is available. We’ll then talk you through what happens next. Call us 24-hours a day on 0300 123 5101 (or 01270 250390 if you’re outside Cheshire East) and we can take it from there.

How do you decide who’s eligible?

We prioritise people living locally in Cheshire East. We do take referrals from third parties – such as the police or social services – but we can’t make a decision until we’ve spoken directly to the person who’ll be staying in the refuge.

What happens when I leave?

When you leave our crisis accommodation, we’ll provide you with resettlement support. Your key worker will develop a tailored support package that includes a support plan, a risk assessment and regular reviews. We’ll help you to secure a tenancy and to keep yourself and your family safe. We’ll liaise with the police and local authorities if necessary to make you and your property secure.

What if English isn’t my first language?

If you speak English as an additional language – or if you are referring a non-English speaker – please let us know. Interpreters may be available.

Remember, you can call us 24-hours a day on 0300 123 5101 (or 01270 250390 if you’re outside Cheshire East). To find out more about how we can help, please visit our get help pages.